The Conservatives: What's in store for Local Government?

David Cameron seems to have kicked off the electioneering in earnest today with a speech at the Oxford School of Drama. (Full speech here)

Amongst other things, he stated his intent to restore the economy and stop central government "undermining the professionals in our public services." He later went on to mention a pay freeze for the public sector.

Apparently the Conservatives will start publishing their manifesto from Monday. Looks like they're serialising it on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

In the meantime, we can turn to their Green Paper on Local Government to get an idea of what a future Conservative election win might mean for local government. Highlights include a referendum for a mayor for 12 major UK cities, all sorts of interesting new powers for local councils (including new ways of raising money) and the power for local people to trigger local referenda by signing petitions.

You can read the original 34-page Green Paper here.